What We Believe

A Little Bit About CGCC

Common Ground Cowboy Church was started to reach people who didn’t feel comfortable going to a traditional church in April 2008.  We don’t care how you dress: cowboy hats, boots and spurs or shorts and flip flops. Our motto is “come as you are”.


Our goal is to tell as many people about Jesus Christ as possible.  We’ve chosen to do that in a way that is non-threatening.  Our message hasn’t changed, just the way we present it.  


We believe Christ was born of a virgin, lived a perfect, sinless life, he was crucified on a cross for our sins, and then he returned to life three days later.  He now sits at the right hand of God in Heaven.  He paid the price in full for yours and my salvation.  Salvation is a gift from Him and it can’t be earned.  All we have to do is to believe in Him and ask Him into our hearts and to be our Lord and Savior.


We believe in baptism by emersion.  If it was good enough for Jesus, it should be good enough for us.  


We welcome you to come and join us for Sunday morning services at 10 am.  Common Ground Cowboy Church is a place where sinners and Jesus Christ come together and find common ground. 


Remember we don’t care where you’ve been, we just care about where you’re going!

32 Jesus said whoever acknowledges me before men; I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. 33 But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.”
Matthew 10:32-33

CGCC Mission Statement

The mission of the Common Ground Cowboy Church is to reach the lost and unchurched people in the western culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ and provide a church home where they can become more like Him.  The church will accomplish this mission by holding to these values:


Simplicity - The church will strive to keep all things it does as simple as possible.


Non-Judgmental Approach - The church will foster a non-judgmental atmosphere in all it does, accepting people just as they are, just as Christ himself does.


Cultural Relevance/Western Heritage - The church will make sure that all it does, including all of its programming and ministries will be geared toward reaching people in the western culture and those who love it.


Practice of Biblical Christianity - The church will practice biblical Christianity. This will be practiced by the leadership and the congregation.


Elimination of Barriers to the Cowboy Culture - The church will do all that it can to lower or eliminate the barriers preventing the Gospel of Jesus Christ from reaching the western culture.


Empowerment with Accountability - The church will strive to empower as many people as it can to serve Christ through the church and bring out the giftedness in them while holding them accountable for their actions and commitments.


Power of the Gospel - The church believes in the power of the gospel for salvation of souls and healing of body, mind and spirit.